Lingceng's Blog

Turbolink Best Practice

TLDR: Take care of global variables, global events binding.

What does Turbolink do?

Turbolink makes browser only replace page’s <body> and <title> to simulate page jumping.
So Javascript context will not change even when page jumps.

What’s the best practice?

Put all JavaScript and CSS in <HEAD> and keep them the same for every page.
Mark page to separate logic:

// In app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<body data-controller-name="<%= controller_name %>">

$(document).ready ->
  if $('body').data('controller-name') in ['topics']
    console.log "Only run in topics page"

Another practice

If you are maintaining a ERP like system.
The javascript may diffs from page to page, you can put javascript at the end of body.

  <script type="text/javascript" src="/topics.js"></script>

Fix jQuery ready

Use jquery.turbolink to hijack jQuery.ready().
It guarantee all events binded with jQuery.ready() are triggered, no matter how you do a page jump, a html page load or a turbolink jump.

You should load scripts in following order:

...other scripts go here...

Here explains:

The reason for jQuery.turbolinks being before all scripts is so to let it hijack the $(function() { ... }) call that your other scripts will use.

Turbolinks then needs to be at the end because it has to be the last to install the click handler, so not to interfere with other scripts.

Take care of dangerous global handles

Global delegated events will effect every page. eg. You add a script as following:

$(document).on('click', 'button', function(){
  console.log("clicked button")

“clicked button” will be printed when you click a button in every pages.

Another example is the hijacked jquery ready event as mentioned above. So you should distinguish pages in you codes. eg.

$(function() {
  if (current_page == 'index') {
    // do staff for index page

See details about distinguishing pages below.

Global setInterval or setTimeout need to be clear too!

$(document).one('page:before-change', function(event) {

See more here

What will happen when I changed head content?

It depends on how you change it.

If you add some <script type="text/javascript"> tag in head, eg.

// On page B
<script type="text/javascript">

When you click a link on page A and jump to page B, the ‘hello’ will not printed. The script tag will be ignored.

It’s the same when you make it a src link.

// On page B
<script type="text/javascript" src='hello.js'> </script>

You can add a data-turbolinks-track tag to make it work. But it has drawbacks.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/hello.js" data-turbolinks-track></script>

When this case, ‘hello’ will be printed, every things seems fine except slow page load.

You’ll technically be requesting the same page twice. Once through Turbolinks to detect that the assets changed, and then again do a full redirect to that page.

You should always add data-turbolinks-track to JavaScript and CSS links. This will trigger full page load when your assets changed.

When page A and page B have different track targets, every switch between them will cause double load.

See the code to know the details

extractTrackAssets = (doc) ->
  for node in doc.querySelector('head').childNodes when node.getAttribute?('data-turbolinks-track')?
    node.getAttribute('src') or node.getAttribute('href')

assetsChanged = (doc) ->
  loadedAssets ||= extractTrackAssets document
  fetchedAssets  = extractTrackAssets doc
  fetchedAssets.length isnt loadedAssets.length or intersection(fetchedAssets, loadedAssets).length isnt loadedAssets.length

One last rescue is to prevent turbolink jump by add data-no-turbolink tag. And then you will not benefit from turbolink speed boost.

<a href="/">Home (via Turbolinks)</a>
<div id="some-div" data-no-turbolink>
  <a href="/">Home (without Turbolinks)</a>
